FASHION.HR is the largest fashion concept in region compound of: DOVE FASHION.HR - national fashion week, FASHION.HR INDUSTRIJA - regional fashion fair, FASHION.HR STYLE COMMUNITY - Most read fashion website in region, with over 200.000 unique visitors per month, RED - specialized p.r & event agency
Here are some photos from the shows, I apologize for the blurry photos but the lighting was very cruel and every photo was either to dark or just a blurry mess. Apologies dolls,
Dakle, prošli vikend bio je perwoll bila sam na dvije večeri, u četvrtak i u subotu. Moram priznati da mi je zadnja večer bila najbolja. Robert Sever je oduševio. Slike su koma, ne znam dal je popravak fotića bio uzaludan ili sam ja počela gubiti moje fotografske vještine (haha,vještine..) ili je svijetlo bilo stvarno toliko loše da se ništa nije moglo uslikati kako spada. Ugl, kakve takve slikice su tu, nadam se da vam se sviđa. PusPus!
Wow such a nice fashion show! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit my blog: I AM JENNIYA.
The pictures are great actually. :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiAt least you took good pictures, I would have been like, 'Oh WTH, I'll just watch this' and I'll probably; completely forget about it. :D
Glitter & Blush
[^ check out my blog and if you like it maybe we can follow each other? :)]
haha,you so funny doll! Thank you for commenting.xx
IzbrišiGreat pictures!
OdgovoriIzbrišinice photos, lovely collection and great post dear! :)
xoxo ♥
thank you darling.xx
Izbrišigreat post ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf you want follow each other, let me know, follow me and I will follow you back!
very cool show thank you fr sharing these photos.
Very nice show!