srijeda, 26. rujna 2012.

Perfect bun tutorial!

I have been doing this bun non stop recently! It doesn't even matter if my hair is greasy or if you have just washed your hair a few minutes ago,it turns out perfect every time!

So all you need is this donut sponge that I bought in H&M  for a few bucks-
I know that there are a lot of tutorials on youtube about how to make a perfect bun, but I decided to do a post anayway :)

 Pošto imam dosta dugu kosu ponekad zna biti problem skupiti sve to u neku pristojnu punđu tako da ovo je potpuno otkriće za mene :P Može se napraviti messy za svaki dan,a može biti i uredna i sofisticirana za neke posebne prigode. Sakupi mi svuu kosu i drži je na okupu baš cijeli dan.

1.STEP - do a ponytail and take a sponge and pull your hair through it,so your hair is inside of the sponge
2.STEP -take the hair on the top (ends of your hair) and pull the hair from top under the sponge
3.STEP - repeat step 2. just pull your hair in under the sponge and it will start to form a bun. Just make sure in the end that your sponge is not visible,just cover it all arount with hair

Znači,treba se povuci spužvica kroz kosu tako da je kosa unutra,zatim vrhove koji su na vrhu gurnuti sa dolje strane unutra. Cijelo vrijeme kosu koja dolazi gurati unutra dok se ne formira punđa.

 Jedini uvjet je naravno duga kosa; Only condition is that you have to have long hair!

  I hope that I have explaned this well...and good luck!


Broj komentara: 10:

  1. hvala za tutorial, odlično. :) samo, sad trebam čekati da kosa dovoljno naraste. :D

  2. baš sam jučer gledala u h&m-u tu gumicu, al meni to niš nije jasno xD
    a i mislim da mi je kosa preduga za to :)
    tebi skorz slatko ovo stoji :*

    1. daa,e meni zna ispasti preko cijele glave..previše kose imam za to,mislim da bi tebi bilo još više!

  3. great tutorial! this will be perfect for my long hair! :)
    fab blog by the way! :D
    hareem xx

  4. Super koristan post! Ja sam bas razmisljala da je kupim! Cmokk

  5. Great tutorial. My hair is still a bit short for a bun but I can't wait for it to grow so that I can try this style!


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